

Taste Test: Williams-Sonoma Cookies and Cream Pound Cake

After the cookie failure this weekend, I decided to stick with a box mix. I bought a cookies and cream pound cake mix around Christmas time and finally got around to baking it. I love the cookies and cream combination but usually only eat it in ice cream form (and you can bet that I'll dig out every last cookie,  leaving behind the sad half melted ice cream). I've never had it in cake form and was excited to try it. The cookie chunks stayed crunchy after baking and the overall flavor of the cake was good. The recipe called to make this in a loaf pan but I made these into bite-size cakes to make them easier for serving. This cake tastes great warm with ice cream and with even more cookies crumbled on top!


  1. That looks delicious! I am addicted to anything Williams Sonoma, but have refrained from buying any of their mixes, etc. Now I HAVE to buy one!!

  2. these look AMAZING! LOVEEEEEE william sonoma - they are geniuses over there!

  3. I love William Sonoma products and they definitely taste very close to homemade. I recently bought a jar of their Mustard Aioli and it's good on just about anything!

  4. Yummy! :) that looks very delicious, I love the bite size shaped made with this cake and the flavor is just right for the kids, perfect for their everyday snack.
